Rogue Ramrods History

Despite that fact that Harry Jones was still awaiting publication of Ghost Gunman and Mochita Stage, he submitted the manuscript for Rogue Ramrods to Curtis Brown in early September 1963. Muller stated that it was pleased to see the continuation of the Clint Bellamy/Max Jaurez partnership.

Muller accepted Rogue Ramrods as the second book in the second three–book contract. On 8 January 1964 Muller wrote with the news that publication was likely to be during either September or November. This seems to have been pure optimism and Muller wrote again on 24 August advising that publication was now likely to be March 1965.

Deadlines are there to be missed and in January 1965 Muller had the good grace to advise Jones that both Rogue Ramrods and the next book, Alamosa Guns (which had been accepted in February 1964), would be published in the summer, though no firm date was given. The date was firmed up in early May when Muller advised that both books would be published on 25 June 1965. When it came to it, both were published on 26 June 1965.

In 1972, Rogue Ramrods was republished in World Distributors Bandolero Western series with neither Jones’ knowledge nor permission, despite the fact that Muller did not hold exclusive rights to license the book to another publisher.

Both paperback and hardback copies of the Bandelero version have been unearthed. The hardback version seems to have been produced exclusively for libraries and is otherwise exactly the same in all respects to the paperback version.

Fast–forward to 2013 and Rogue Ramrods was reissued in a large print edition, published by Magna – this time with permission from the copyright holder.