The Llano Kid

The Llano Kid

Originally published 3rd August 1962.

The first Clint Bellamy/Mex Jaurez adventure.  Clint Bellamy struck Butte County just as the peace enjoyed by the Randall–Houston combine is shattered. Rustling, bank robbery and murder are the unwelcome visitors and Clint is in just the wrong place each time. Not only that, but his face looks mighty familiar – there it is on one of the sheriff’s dodgers, Dill Hankin, wanted for murder. It looks as though Clint is guilty as hell.

Sheriff Delahay and the R–H are quickly after his blood, but the combine’s Doc Devoy and Mex Jaurez become convinced of Clint’s innocence. Meanwhile, mayhem breaks out thanks to the remorseless scheming of Justin Cainey, which leads to the murder of an oldster, whom Clint had befriended whilst laying low.

This murder leads Clint onto the trail of revenge, closely followed by the R–H crew, who think that Clint killed the oldster. The trail leads them to lawless Salom, where the law had gone over to evil.

If that wasn’t enough, Clint is thrown in gaol and when his sister, Nova, arrives to help prove her brother’s innocence, she and Doc Devoy find themselves at the mercy of crooked law.

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